Boston Spa Neighbourhood Plan – What Do You Think event – Saturday 18th November.
Published: 27 October 2023
A lot has changed - globally, nationally, regionally and locally since Boston Spa Parish Council published its Neighbourhood Plan in 2015. It therefore tasked a new group, the Neighbourhood Planning Advisory Group (NPAG) to look at the current Plan to see if it needs a full re-write or just a review to bring it up to date.
NPAG thinks that Boston Spa is a good village with lots of activities, amenities, great shops and businesses and attractive housing, and so on. But it is not perfect – and maybe it can be ‘even better’?
Before it really gets going, the NPAG needs to know from you what your thoughts are about living, working or spending time in Boston Spa – what are your concerns and priorities – what ambitions do you have for the village – and what do you want it to look like, provide, and feel like.
To this end, NPAG have arranged a drop-in session on the 18th November, from 11.00 to 3.00 in the village hall. There will be lots of opportunities for you to ask questions, talk about the village and leave your comments and thoughts. If that is not enough to lure you in, tea and coffee will be flowing too.
You will be able to talk about and share any views you have about the village and its future – but we are looking at 5 particular areas (and there are many overlaps within these 5 areas):
- being connected: that is, transport, getting from A to B by whatever means. This might encompass inclusion issues, such as disability and safety.
- sustainability and climate change. Are we ready for a new future – what contribution can we make as a village? What might this mean for Boston Spa, say in 10 or 15 years time?
- housing, space and community. This is a really big area. Is our housing stock fit for the future? Where might growth take place if needed? Do we have the right models of ownership/tenancy?
- Safety and wellbeing. Is Boston Spa a safe place? For everyone, every day and all day? Is it pedestrian friendly? Do our village green and open spaces enable us to keep fit and healthy? Do you enjoy living and working in the village – is it welcoming, interesting, sociable?
- Business and employment. Can we continue to sustain the excellent range of shops and businesses in the village? It is an easy place to work at home? What might help increase the diversity of businesses in the village? Do we have the right infrastructure to support different models of working and new businesses?
So, lots of food for thought.
Please come on the 18th November if you can – and if you can’t, then there will be other events planned in 2024 – we need your thoughts and ideas so that the revised Neighbourhood Plan becomes YOUR plan.