Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting is held every May at the Village Hall. The Parish Council provides an update on key projects such as the Neighbourhood Plan and areas of investment. The meeting also gives residents the opportunity air issues and to ask the Parish Council to investigate certain matters which are of concern. Although the event is not a formal Parish Council meeting, it is facilitated by the Parish Council for the benefit of the community. 

As the event is only held once a year, the draft Minutes of the most recent meeting will be placed below pending their formal agreement at the next Annual Parish Meeting.

To view minutes of previous Annual Parish Meetings click on the relevant year below. 

2024 Draft Minutes  

2023 Minutes  

2022 Minutes 

2021 Minutes

2020- No meeting due to Covid-19 

2019 Minutes

2018 Minutes 

2017 Minutes

2016 Minutes

2015 Minutes

2014 Minutes