Restricted Festival 2021
Published: 25 June 2021
The “Restricted” Boston Spa Festival
The extension of Covid Restrictions until the end of July has significantly affected several events planned for the Festival on 9th, 10th and 11th July. In common with many other events we are constrained by insurance cover and government guidelines.
However the Festival will proceed with the events that can comply with the rules, as follows:
From Mon 3rd - Sun 11th July
Scarecrow Trail: Super Heroes and Disney Characters: 80 locations across the
village. Trail Maps £2 from Costcutter and Yeadons in the village.
Sat, 10th July
07:30am Yorkshire Terrier Cycle Ride
Starting from Church Fields. 100 miles around the county. For details visit
09:00am – 12:00pm Cake
Stall and Raffle Outside
09:00am – 3:30pm Classic Cars Assembly and Return Drivers Only Event
– 4:00pm Street Food High Street
11:00am – 3:45pm Street Music Millennium Gardens
11:00am – 3:45pm Plant Sale Millennium Gardens
2.00pm - 5.00pm Jam Jar Tombola and Children Trail St Mary’s Church
Sun, 11th July
10:30am Sing
a Song of Praise Methodist
10:30am – 3:30pm Walton Art Group Village Hall
– 4:00pm Street Food High Street
11:00am – 3:45pm Street Music Millennium Gardens
11:00am – 3:45pm Plant Sale Millennium Gardens
6:00pm Evening
Church Service St
Mary’s Church
We will add other events if the controls are relaxed and the local groups can respond.