Listed Buildings

Boston Spa has a wealth of Listed Buildings and special rules apply to all works affecting the building or the setting of the building.


Why are buildings listed?
Buildings are 'Listed' because they are considered to be of special architectural or historic interest and as a result require special protection. Listing protects the whole building, both inside and out and possibly also adjacent buildings if they were erected before 1st July 1948.

The prime purpose is to protect the building and its surroundings from changes which will materially alter the special historic or architectural importance of the building or its setting.

The list of buildings is prepared by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport and properties are scheduled into one of three grades: Grade I; Grade II* and Grade II with Grade I being the highest grade.

Over 90% of listed properties fall within Grade II.

All buildings erected prior to 1700 and substantially intact are listed, as are most buildings constructed between 1700 and 1840, although some selection does take place. The selection process is more discriminating for buildings erected since 1840 because so many more properties remain today.

Buildings less than 30 years old are generally only listed if they are of particular architectural or historic value and are potentially under threat.

Leeds City Council holds a copy of the Statutory List for public inspection and this provides details on each of the listed properties.



Applying for Listed Building Consent
Listed Building Consent is required in order to carry out any works to a Listed Building which will affect its special value for listing purposes. This will almost certainly be necessary for any major works, but may also be necessary for minor alterations and possibly even repairs and maintenance. Listed Building Consent may also be necessary for a change of use of the property.

Works such as re-pointing and even repainting can give rise to the need for a Listed Building Consent, even if planning permission is not necessary. Replacement windows and doors are common areas of controversy and strict control.

Identical repairs in matching materials may not require consent, but it is always advisable to check with the Councils' Listed Buildings Officer, (usually in the Planning Department) before undertaking any work.

You may need to submit a Listed Building Application where your proposal does not directly affect the Listed building but is close enough to potentially affect the 'setting' of a listed building. Your proposal may need to be sympathetically altered to suit the circumstances.

Applications for Listed Building Consent are made in a similar fashion to normal planning applications on a form that can be obtained from your local planning department. If you need planning permission for your intended proposal then the two applications can be submitted together. There is no fee for the Listed Building Consent application.
Further information can be found on the Planning Portal website